Inverclyde Unites To Challenge Poverty

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Inverclyde Unites To Challenge Poverty

Services and groups from across Inverclyde are coming together to call for action to break the grip of poverty on people’s lives.

A series of events are being organised by Inverclyde Council throughout Challenge Poverty Week, which runs from 4-11 October, including dedicated advice events at the Beacon Arts Centre in Greenock on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 October 2021.

Working with local partner agencies, the sessions will provide people with benefits advice, employment opportunities and savings advice, as well as food and wellbeing guidance.

The Scotland-wide campaign is designed to highlight that too many people are living with the constant pressure of living in poverty and that the economy must be redesigned so that everyone has enough.

In Inverclyde, the council has set up a £1 million anti-poverty fund to support new and existing initiatives to help tackle the problem.

Councillor Stephen McCabe, leader of Inverclyde Council, said:

“Inverclyde is well-known for its strong community spirit. It’s a place where people help each other and have compassion for their neighbours.

“But right here, there are thousands of households whose lives are restricted by poverty and across the country poverty is increasing for the first time in two decades. More and more people aren’t getting the income they need to live a full and free life.

“Poverty restricts people’s lives in hundreds of different ways and it is women, children, minority groups and disabled people who are often affected the most.

“We need to turn compassion into action. We need to put this situation right so that everyone has a decent standard of living that allows them to grow and progress in their lives. We hope lots of people will come along to our event, find out how we can challenge poverty together and find out more about the wide range of support services there to help anyone finding times hard.”

Challenge Poverty Week brings together local groups across the country with big national organisations.

Peter Kelly, of The Poverty Alliance, said:

“Too many people in Scotland are living with the constant pressure of living in poverty.

“As we plan our economic recovery, we must redesign our economy to reflect the values of justice and compassion we all share.

“By boosting people’s incomes and reducing the cost of living we can solve make sure we all have what we need.”

To book a place at one of the Inverclyde advice events on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 October, please visit:

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