John Swinney To Cover Kate Forbes’ Maternity Leave

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John Swinney To Cover Kate Forbes’ Maternity Leave

Deputy First Minister John Swinney will take on responsibility for the Finance and Economy portfolio when Cabinet Secretary Kate Forbes starts her maternity leave next month.

The cover arrangements are being made as Ms Forbes is expecting her first child at the end of July. Mr Swinney will take on the Finance and Economy Portfolio from July 16 while retaining his Deputy First Minister role and responsibility for Covid Recovery. Some of Mr Swinney’s other current responsibilities will move portfolios.

Ms Forbes is the first serving Cabinet Secretary in the Scottish Government to take maternity leave. She will remain Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy while on leave, resuming her duties upon her return.

Mr Swinney will carry his current responsibilities over to the Finance Portfolio with the exception of responsibility for:

  • cross-government delivery of ‘The Promise’ to Care Experienced Young People, this will be the direct responsibility of the First Minister
  • cross-government co-ordination on UN treaty incorporation which will be taken on by the Education portfolio
  • the Local Governance Review & democratic renewal which will be taken on by the Social Justice portfolio resilience, which will pass to the Justice portfolio

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