Marine Fund Scotland – Reopened

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Marine Fund Scotland – Reopened

This fund re-opened on 8 November 2021. Any remaining funding for this year will be limited due to high demand.

This fund will support investments and jobs in seafood sectors, the marine environment and coastal communities in Scotland. It replaces the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) following the UK’s exit from the EU. The EMFF supported the sustainable growth of the marine economy in coastal communities, in sectors such as fishing, aquaculture and seafood processing.

The fund is being launched under the Blue Economy policy approach and the developing Blue Economy Action Plan (BEAP).

Projects which have submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) and which best fit with the new approach will be invited to submit a full application and supporting documents.

Marine Scotland will confirm you have submitted an application within 3 working days of receipt of the signed application (via email is acceptable).

They will aim to make funding decisions 6 to 8 weeks after your complete application is received.

To be considered for grant funding from the Marine Fund Scotland, an application form and necessary supporting documents must be submitted during the application phase.

Currently funding is only available for this financial year, so your project must be complete by 31 March 2022. Please read the fund guidance for full details of eligibility and terms and conditions before submitting your application.

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