Member News: ICF Launches Inverclyde STRIDE On 28th August 2021

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Member News: ICF Launches Inverclyde STRIDE On 28th August 2021

Walkers of all ages and abilities across Inverclyde are being invited to join this year’s Inverclyde STRIDE by Inverclyde Community Fund, a fabulous opportunity to walk with friends and family and raise funds for your favourite local groups.

There are three options to suit people of all ages and abilities, with some fun surprises along the way:

  • Inverclyde STRIDE 2021 is an 18-mile walk aimed at serious walkers, which will start at Parklea Branching Out in Port Glasgow and finish at Inverkip Community Hub.

  • STRIDE-Lite is a shorter 9-mile scenic walk from Parklea Branching out which will end at the Battery Park in Greenock.

  • STRIDE Stroll, which will take part in the Battery Park and will be 0.8 miles, is aimed at families as well as people who prefer a gentler walk.

Leading up to 28th August, the Virtual STRIDE can be used as a training and fundraising opportunity, aimed at achieving 50k steps again in partnership with World Walking.

Inverclyde Community Fund Vice-Chair, Helen McCormick said:

“We wanted to organise something that everyone can do that showcases the best of Inverclyde, that’s inclusive and fun and raises funds for local good causes.

“Groups of all sizes have already signed up to STRIDE, and we hope to build on this enthusiasm leading up to 28th August.”

The Inverclyde Community Fund Board is also inviting participants to become Volunteer Ambassadors for the event, with an opportunity to win a £500 prize for a school or a local community group, as well as contribute to volunteering hours.

ICF Trustee, Corey Beaton added:

“There’s a lot of people struggling to find enough voluntary hours in 2021 due to Covid-19 cancelling many events, so Inverclyde STRIDE is a great opportunity to gather valuable experience.

“We welcome all volunteers looking to support this critical fundraiser for the local community.”

George McKay, Chief Executive of Inverclyde Chamber said:

“It is great to see the STRIDE back again and Inverclyde Chamber is keen to set up a group for either of the walks to enable members to meet during a facilitated event.

This is a great opportunity to fundraise for our favourite local good cause and network.

The entry fee is £10 per adult or £15 for a parent/guardian and up to 3 children.

To sign up, click here­ – for more information, visit @InverSTRIDE on Twitter.

To become a Volunteer Ambassador, please email Corey Beaton.

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