First Minister Unveils Framework for Looking Beyond Lockdown

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First Minister Unveils Framework for Looking Beyond Lockdown

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has opened up a discussion on the “new normal” as the Scottish Government release a document outlining how the next steps required to constrain the spread of Covid-19 will be determined.


The Scottish Government have also released a document outlining how decisions will be taken to control coronavirus (COVID-19) while restoring a degree of normality to everyday life has today been published by the Scottish Government.



The paper – COVID-19: A Framework for Decision-Making – sets out the position during this ongoing period of lockdown and outlines the factors that must be considered as we move gradually to ease restrictions.


It also recognises that new ways of living – effectively a “new normal” – may have to be in place for some time to come.


Speaking at her daily briefing this afternoon, the First Minister said:


“Today I am seeking to start a grown up conversation with the public about the complex decisions that lie ahead of us as we look beyond lockdown. As we start to lift the restrictions, the real risk is that COVID-19 runs rampant again so a return to normal as we knew it is not on the cards in the near future. What we will be seeking to find is a new normal – a way of living alongside this virus, but in a form that keeps it under control.


She added:


“Physical distancing and limiting our contacts with others will be a fact of life for a long time to come – certainly until treatments and ultimately a vaccine offer different solutions. But if we all keep doing the right things, there will be a way through – and we will find it, together.”


Commenting on the Scottish Government’s publication of “Covid-19: A Framework for Decision Making,” Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:



“The framework announced today sets the scene for business and civic Scotland to be a part of the recovery plan. We agree that controlling the virus and preventing a second spread is utmost as it may result in tougher lockdown measures down the line.


“It is clear from today’s announcement that social distancing measures are here for the medium to long term. That’s why creating new working models which embed these measures are critical if we are to protect jobs and re-start the economy, and we must do this in partnership with the business community and Government.


“We also need to make sure any phased return includes all parts of the business community, from large companies to SMEs and to businesses in rural areas. We recognise the challenge ahead of us. The business community will play its full part to inform and design the phased and eventual return to economic recovery.”


The full Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making document is available to download here.

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