Principally Women 4 Now Open For Applications

SCC Quarterly Economic Indicator Q3 2021
DigitalBoost Development Grant – Reopened

Principally Women 4 Now Open For Applications

Applications are now open for the 4th Scottish Enterprise Principally Women programme. 

The programme is for female leaders or senior managers based in the Glasgow & Clyde area who have leadership potential to support their company to scale up through skills development workshops and coaching to share, learn and give back to peers.

The programme content will provide important business skills to achieve scale and unlike other offerings in the market and will fundamentally address specific gender challenges faced by women founders and principals in business, which collectively can prevent or slow business growth by affecting women’s ambition levels and effective emotional intelligence.

The programme launches in September and will involve 6 half-day workshops, one-to-one coaching, fireside chats with inspiring female leaders and drop-in sessions for up to 15 women per cohort, all delivered online.

It will also provide an environment to share, learn and support each other and meet other women from different sectors with different skills.

The 6 workshops will cover:

  • Deep-dive self-reflection including developing a personal action plan
  • Women and Leadership 1 – what type of leader am I?
  • Women and Leadership 2 – implementing goals and strategy, navigating as a female leader
  • Learn how to become a great coach
  • The Power of Communication and Understanding the ‘Art of Team Building’
  • Resilience and Conflict Management

More information and an application form can be found here.

 Any questions or comments please email

The deadline for applications is 29th August 2021.

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