SCC Quarterly Economic Indicator Q3 2021

SNP And Scottish Greens Confirm Power-sharing Agreement
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SCC Quarterly Economic Indicator Q3 2021

QEI Survey

The Quarterly Economic Indicator survey is an important opportunity for Scottish businesses to share feedback on current trading conditions and inform our representations to policymakers in Holyrood and Westminster.

The feedback that you provide is shared directly at the hi as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has fundamentally changed the way we live and do business.

As Inverclyde and Scotland move beyond the Levels highest levels of government and enables your chamber to press on the issues that affect you.

It has been nearly 18 months since the first lockdown and out of COVID-19 restrictions, and Inverclyde Chamber remains by your side, ready to support you through our economic recovery.

We would greatly appreciate it if you can take a few minutes of your time to support this.

Please take the QEI here:

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