Quarterly Economic Survey Q2 2021

Craft Drink Business ‘The Start-Up Drinks Lab’ Launches New Series
Business Round-Up – 17 May 2021

Quarterly Economic Survey Q2 2021

QEI Survey

The Q2 2021 Quarterly Economic Indicator survey fieldwork has opened, providing a chance for chamber members to share their perspective on trading conditions and help shape our policy asks to the Government moving forwards.

The Quarterly Economic Indicator Survey provides an opportunity for chamber members to highlight the challenges facing businesses in Scotland to policymakers in Holyrood and Westminster.

It has been over a year since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic with business, the economy and society suffering the brunt of lockdown restrictions to combat the spread of the virus.

The successful rollout of the vaccine programme alongside the ongoing easing of restrictions provides some light at the end of what has been a very long tunnel, which has caused great economic and personal hardship along the way.

Inverclyde Chamber is here to support you along the journey to recovery, to help you overcome those challenges by continuing to lobby both the Scottish & UK Governments for the clarity and support that your business needs.

In order to support that, we need your feedback. The survey will close on 7th June 2021.

Please take the QEI here.

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