SCC Comments On Heathrow Airport Judicial Review Decision

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SCC Comments On Heathrow Airport Judicial Review Decision

Heathrow Airports Proposed Expansion

Commenting on the Court of Appeal’s judgement on the judicial review of the Airports National Policy Statement, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“We can’t keep bouncing back major infrastructure projects that are crucial to regional connectivity. Without expansion, it is likely airport capacity will be rerouted where there are lower ambitions for carbon reduction.

“We acknowledge the climate emergency and fully support a just transition which ensures that the costs of addressing climate change are shared equitably.

“We believe this judgement puts at risk thousands of jobs that Heathrow expansion would create and would have a detrimental impact on Scottish business’s ability to invest and trade.

“We urge the UK government to go ahead with the expansion so we can get down to business.

“Business communities in Scotland will be disappointed that plans for a world-leading hub airport in the UK are now at risk. There has never been a more important time to demonstrate that Scotland and the UK are open for business.”

For more information, visit Scottish Chambers of Commerce.

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