ScotRail Announce 5 Rules for Safer Travel

Business Round-Up – 25 May 2020
Twenty Jobs To Be Created As Peak Scientific Expands

ScotRail Announce 5 Rules for Safer Travel

The Scottish Government and Transport Scotland are currently working on updating travel guidelines for passengers. In the interim, SCC organised a virtual discussion with ScotRail representatives including Managing Director Alex Hynes.


Alex provided the Network with an update on the travel conditions and constraints under which they are operating through the Covid-19 crisis.


This included changes to their operations given restricted capacity and timetable adjustments. We thought it would be helpful to share this with you to give a sense of direction in preparing for a return to the workplace where and when appropriate and something you can share this with your members.


ScotRail’s Five rules for safer travel are:


• Don’t travel if you feel unwell;
• Avoid main commuting times – 07:00 to 09:00 and 16:00 to 18:30;
• Don’t board if you don’t think it’s safe;
• Maintain physical distancing and cover your face; and
• Be patient, most seats need to be empty


Transport Scotland and the Scottish Government are continuing to work on developing travel guidance which will be shared once available.


Timetable Adjustments


Timetable adjustments will be delivered in line with the Scottish Government’s advice and confirmation of easing of lockdown restrictions.



You can also find further information from ScotRail on their mobile ticketing systems here.



Responding to new transport guidance shared today by Cabinet Secretary Michael Matheson MSP & the publication of the Scottish Government’s Transport Transition Plan, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:


“When and how we return to the workplace is a pressing priority for businesses, employees and customers. Today’s guidance is a helpful starting point on the role public transport will play and the modifications we can expect.

“Changes to capacity, ticketing and timetabling across transport options will mean employers will have to adapt to the guidance and remain flexible as we manage a phased return to the workplace.

“Given the constraints that will exist in the public transport system, local authorities should actively review local policies such as minimising car parking fees to help reduce the costs for employers and our employees.

“Business will proactively work with transport operators to ensure safety of our employees and customers as we re-design the transportation of our people, customers and goods.”

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