ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme

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ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme

VisitScotland is encouraging businesses to sign up for a new voucher scheme to help low-income families, unpaid carers and disadvantaged young people who have been adversely affected by the pandemic enjoy a subsidised two-night break in Scotland.

Administered on behalf of The Scottish Government, The National Tourism Organisation’s ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme will deliver £1.4 million worth by December 2022, and support tourism businesses to recover from the pandemic by stimulating the demand for off-peak domestic breaks and day visits.

Accommodation providers and attractions that are interested in being part of the scheme should visit:

The project is part of the £25 million tourism recovery programme announced by the First Minister in March 2021. The recovery proposals were developed by VisitScotland and approved by the Scottish Tourism Emergency Response Group (STERG) in collaboration with members of the Tourism Task Force.

The scheme is fully funded by The Scottish Government, and participating businesses will be paid for any booking made directly through the scheme by a method of their choosing. The scheme is open to bed and breakfast, guest houses, hotels, hostels, camping parks and visitor attractions across Scotland.

The project aims to stimulate off-season domestic breaks and day visits, to support the tourism and hospitality sector to recover, following the lifting of final restrictions across Scotland.

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