Scottish Business Survey Is Launched

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Scottish Business Survey Is Launched

Scotland’s business leaders are being urged to take part in a survey to share their experiences of driving business forward post-pandemic.

The Henderson Loggie Scottish Business Survey is being carried out by the research team at the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce. It aims to bring to light the real impact of the recent challenges and opportunities as owners and managers now look to the future.

Jaslin Bhagrath is head of accounting and business solutions at Henderson Loggie, one of the country’s leading owner-managed business advisory specialists. She said: “We need to really understand what is keeping business owners awake at night and how management teams are adapting to the new business environment with its recruitment challenges, rising costs and increasing pressures to meet net-zero goals.

“By asking respondents to open up on how the ‘new normal’ is impacting daily business life we aim to get to the heart of the issues that matter, from the economy to attracting and retaining a happy workforce. We will then share our findings so that we can then come together as a community to develop better support and innovative and workable solutions.”

Business leaders can click here to take the survey.  All responses are confidential and individual responses will not be identifiable in the survey findings. The survey should take 10 minutes to complete.

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