Scottish Employability Services To Receive £113m Of Funding

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Scottish Employability Services To Receive £113m Of Funding

Employability services to help those most at risk of long-term unemployment will receive up to £113 million of funding from the Scottish Government. 

To deliver the ambitions set out in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation and the Child Poverty Delivery Plan, tailored services based on local needs will aim to ensure that the right help is given to ensure people are supported to move towards and into work.

The No One Left Behungind approach – which includes the Young Person’s Guarantee – sees services funded through Local Employability Partnerships (LEPs) bringing together local government, Skills Development Scotland, Department for Work and Pensions, colleges, the third sector and other partners to provide support that meets both individual and labour market needs in each area.

The National Strategy for Economic Transformation aims to build a fairer and more equal society by ensuring economic transformation which tackles inequality, drives up working standards and improves pay. It also outlines how partnership working can support people into jobs by tackling labour market inequalities and unlocking Scotland’s economic potential.

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