Scottish Goverment Publishes Programme for Government 2021-2022

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Scottish Goverment Publishes Programme for Government 2021-2022

The Scottish Government have published their 2021-2022 Programme for Government.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon set out plans for a range of other new bills in her speech to MSPs, saying her plans would “meet head-on the key challenges Scotland faces”.

These include work to establish a National Care Service, which Ms Sturgeon said should be up and running within five years.

She also confirmed that a Gender Recognition Reform Bill would be tabled to make it easier for trans people to change their legally recognised gender.

The government will also consult on changes to the justice system, including potentially scrapping the “not proven” verdict and separating the dual roles of Scottish law officers.

Other proposals in the Programme for Government include:

  • Extra funding for frontline healthcare and mental health services;
  • A new system of “wraparound” childcare before and after school and during the holidays;
  • A collective pardon for miners convicted of various offences during strikes in the 1980s;
  • A fox control bill to strengthen the law on the use of dogs in hunts;
  • A new law for stronger regulation of the sale of fireworks;
  • Work to develop a minimum income guarantee;
  • A Good Food Nation Bill to promote the food and drink sectors.

Responding to the publication of the Scottish Government’s 2021-2022 Programme for Government, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“The First Minister recognised that businesses continue to be badly affected by the pandemic and that recovery remains fragile and it is right that today’s Programme for Government places Scotland’s recovery from Covid-19 first and foremost on the agenda.

“The confirmation that businesses will continue to receive a 100% business rates relief for this financial year, and that the Fresh Start Fund, Small Business Bonus and Growth Accelerators will continue for the length of the whole Parliament is particularly welcome and will give businesses a firm footing from which to rebuild.

“However, these reliefs alone will not spur the economy into action and the Scottish Government must work in partnership with industry on recovery and growth policies if we are to protect jobs and businesses.”

Programme For Government

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