Scottish Government Announces Fund To Provide Grants And Employment Support

Job Support Scheme Expanded To Firms Required To Close Due To Covid Restrictions
Business Round-Up – 12 October 2020

Scottish Government Announces Fund To Provide Grants And Employment Support

Fiona Hyslop

Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop has outlined details of a £40 million fund to help businesses affected by temporary restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Restrictions Fund will provide one-off grants of up to £3,000, depending on rateable value, to bars, restaurants and other businesses required to close by regulations.

A hardship fund with grants of up to £1,500 will support some businesses that remain open but are directly impacted by the restrictions, including those in the direct supply chains of firms that must close from Friday 9 October 2020.

In addition, up to £9 million of funding will help with the costs of re-furloughing staff by supporting the 20% salary contribution required by the UK Government.

A discretionary fund of up to £11 million will help businesses that need support but don’t fall into the above categories. This will, for example, support soft play centres that have been unable to re-open this month.

Grants will be distributed by local authorities. Up to £2,000 will be payable to businesses with a rateable value of up to £51,000 that are required to close by law, for those with a rateable value of £51,001 or above the grant will be £3,000.

Payment mechanisms for additional support on top of grants to support the top-up costs of furlough currently met by business are being identified.

This comes as the UK Government has announced that the Job Support Scheme will be expanded to protect jobs and support businesses required to close their doors as a result of coronavirus restrictions.

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