Scottish Government Update On Vaccine Certification And International Travel Restrictions

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Scottish Government Update On Vaccine Certification And International Travel Restrictions

The First Minister updated the Scottish Parliament earlier today on the Scottish Government’s plans around COVID-19 testing for international travellers and on the development of a vaccine certification scheme.

The Scottish government has yet to take a decision on whether it will follow the UK government in changing the requirements on taking tests before and after international travel.

The First Minister indicated that she would be weighing up the economic costs of stricter travel rules against public health concerns and that a decision would be made in the next few days.

On vaccine certification, the First Minister confirmed that the scheme will go live from 5am on the 1st of October.

The First Minister also confirmed the government’s intention is that certification will be required for any venue that meets all of the following conditions:

  1. it is open between midnight and 5am,
  2. it serves alcohol after midnight,
  3. it provides live or recorded music for dancing.
  4. it has a designated space – which is actually in use – where dancing is permitted.

The First Minister stressed that certification will be required only if all four of those factors apply, saying that detailed draft guidance would be published ahead of the regulations.

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