Slight Increase In Scotland’s Employment Rate

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International Business Mission To Italy (Online)

Slight Increase In Scotland’s Employment Rate

The number of people in work in Scotland rose slightly during the summer as job vacancies hit a record high, according to official figures.

The Office for National Statistics said 2,631,000 people aged 16-64 were in employment between May and June.

The employment rate of 74.1% is 0.2 percentage points up on the previous quarter but still 1.3 percentage points lower than pre-pandemic levels.

A total of 118,000 people in Scotland were unemployed – a rate of 4.3%. That marks a 0.1 percentage point fall on the previous quarter and a decrease of 0.6 percentage points on the year.

Across the UK, there was an employment rate of 75.2% and vacancies rose above one million for the first time.

Meanwhile, HMRC estimates show there were 9,000 more payrolled employees in August than in July 2021. However, this is 25,000 fewer than in February 2020 – the month before the first coronavirus lockdown.

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