Touring Fund for Theatre and Dance

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Touring Fund for Theatre and Dance

All applicants must be based in Scotland and involved in the production, programming and/or touring of theatre and dance.

Strand One: Artists/Companies/Producers

Creative Scotland is looking to support projects that will expand touring reach (reflected in the number of tour venues) or depth of engagement (reflected in longer runs and/or ancillary activity).

Applications will be accepted for productions that plan to tour to a reasonable number of venues/locations appropriate to the work from:

  • Individual dance and theatre artists, companies and organisations
  • Independent dance and theatre producers (on their own to create an individual piece of work or on behalf of artists)

Strand Two: Touring Networks/Consortia of Venues

This is for touring networks or consortia of venues based in rural locations and/or suburban corridors.

Creative Scotland’s Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) are not able to apply directly to the fund but can offer in-kind support of their expertise to support touring networks/consortia. In these instances, the RFO venue can be part of the tour schedule, regardless of the RFO’s geographical location. Creative Scotland would expect there to be a maximum of two RFOs offering in-kind support for each touring network/consortia application.

For details of who cannot apply, please see full guidance on the Creative Scotland website.


  • Online application portal opened: 2pm, 17 August 2021
  • Application deadline: 2pm, 4 October 2021

Decisions: week commencing 6 December 2021.

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