UK Workers Going Into Office 1.5 Days A Week, Survey Suggests

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UK Workers Going Into Office 1.5 Days A Week, Survey Suggests

UK workers are going into the office an average of 1.5 days a week, with only 13% coming in on a Friday, a survey suggests.

Consultancy Advanced Workplace Associates surveyed 43 offices in the UK, representing nearly 50,000 people, in June and July.

It suggests average attendance was 29%, with a peak of 39% mid-week.

During the pandemic, offices shifted to home-working but many have continued with a hybrid model since then.

Pre-Covid, UK workers were going into the office an average of 3.8 days a week, according to the research which covered sectors including banking, energy, engineering, healthcare, insurance and tech.

However, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the majority of people do not work from home.

Its survey in the spring of 2022, when guidance to work from home was no longer in place in Great Britain, suggested that 38% of working adults reported having worked from home at some point over the past seven days.

Advanced Workplace Associates, which advises organisations including the Cabinet Office, NatWest and Network Rail, found the UK was broadly in line with other countries.

The survey suggested organisations with hybrid working policies – where they specify employees should be in the office for a certain number of days – had higher attendance than those that did not.

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