Women’s Safety Survey Launched

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Women’s Safety Survey Launched

Women and girls in Inverclyde are being encouraged to have their say on their safety when out and about across the area.

The council has launched a survey seeking people’s views on the subject to see whether any improvements should be made locally.

The survey is focused on the safety of women and girls but is open to all residents to have their say and raise any issues affecting female safety.

Councillor Lynne Quinn, Inverclyde’s women’s champion, said: “We have such an abundance of outdoor spaces and people use them for a variety of purposes, such as walking, cycling, exercising and sports, and everyone, including women, should feel safe when they are out and about.

“That’s why we must listen to local women and girls to find out what more could be done to improve theirs and the wider public’s safety.

“We all have a right to feel safe in our communities and I encourage all women and girls to take time to complete this short survey because your views are important and will help us make Inverclyde a better, safer place for everyone.”

The aim of the survey is to better understand the concerns, perceptions and experiences of women and girls.

It is part of the council’s commitment to addressing gender-based issues, particularly those related to women’s personal safety.

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes and will help towards improving public space, increasing physical activity and tackling gender-based issues.

The closing date for the survey is 30 September 2021 and it is available here.

The website also has information and advice for anyone affected by any issues raised in the ‘Related Links’ section.

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