Work Starting On £200k Playpark

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Work Starting On £200k Playpark

Work on a new £200,000 playpark at an Inverclyde beauty spot is set to swing into action this week.

Inverclyde Council is investing a six-figure sum in the new children’s play facility at Lunderston Bay in Gourock.

Contractors arrived on site on Tuesday 2 August 2022 with work expected to last until the end of September.

The new playpark is being built near to the visitor centre, with toilets and changing facilities for convenience and has nature and maritime themes.

The £200k development is part of a £500,000 improvement package by the local authority across its two Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park sites at Lunderston Bay and Greenock Cut Visitor Centre at Cornalees.

Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “Since the Council took over responsibility for the Inverclyde parts of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park we immediately set the wheels in motion for much-needed investment in Lunderston Bay and Greenock Cut Visitor Centre.

“These are two of our most popular and valued outdoor attractions so it’s only right that they get the care and attention they deserve to keep them in good shape for visitors from near and far to enjoy them.

“The addition of a high-end children’s playpark will add another dimension to what is already here at Lunderston Bay, which is one of the finest beaches in the west of Scotland and was recognised for its water quality just last year, and encourage more people to discover Inverclyde.”

Lunderston Bay is one of six sites across Inverclyde being given attention as part of a £400k council investment in new and improved playparks and is the largest single project in the programme.

Additional enhancements are being carried out at the Gourock site and Greenock Cut Visitor Centre as part of the council’s investment in the Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park locations. 

The local authority has set aside £540,000, including grants from the national body NatureScot, for a package of improvements at the popular outdoor areas.

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