20mph Zone Plans For Upper Port Glasgow

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20mph Zone Plans For Upper Port Glasgow

People are being encouraged to have their say on proposals to introduce a 20mph speed limit zone in upper Port Glasgow.

Inverclyde Council in partnership with Sustrans Scotland has developed plans that could see the speed restriction introduced in the Slaemuir, Bardrainney and Mid Auchinleck areas in response to safety concerns.

The proposals also feature traffic calming measures, including speed bumps along Auchenbothie Road, widening of pavements and rerouting of the National Cycle Network.

The aim is to reduce traffic speeds to make it safer for people to get about, including for pupils to get to and from school.

The proposals are part of overall plans to make Inverclyde a safer place for people to walk, wheel and cycle.

Residents are now being invited to have their say on the proposals through a survey which will run until the end of the month.

There will also be a community engagement drop-in event at Boglestone Activity Centre on Wednesday 13 July 2022 from 5-8pm for people to find out more about the proposals and ask questions.

Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “Safety is paramount throughout all our towns and villages and is especially important in areas with a high density of people and a high volume of traffic.

“This part of upper Port Glasgow falls into that bracket with lots of housing, retail and leisure facilities and four schools, including three within the shared campus alone, surrounded by several busy roads.

“There are already 20mph zones in parts of Inverclyde and particularly around schools so it makes sense to look at introducing one in this area in the interests of public safety but these proposals, if approved, would also see improvements made to the existing infrastructure to encourage more walking, cycling and wheeling for leisure and as a healthier and greener alternative to more traditional modes of transport.

“But it’s important that people get the opportunity to share their views on these proposals and I encourage as many people as possible to have their say online via the council website or in-person at the listening event next week.”

Earlier this year councillors agreed in principle to look at introducing 20mph zones in key residential areas across Inverclyde following a motion by Councillor Chris Curley to explore the idea.

The other proposals for upper Port Glasgow include:

  • Pavement widening at some junctions
  • Speed cushions along Auchenbothie Road
  • New uncontrolled pedestrian/cycle crossing across Dubbs Road
  • Marloch Avenue changed to one-way around the triangle of land at the junction with Auchenbothie Road
  • Change of road priority so that Montrose Avenue becomes the main road at its junction with Auchenbothie Road
  • Cycle symbol road markings

If the project is taken forward, Inverclyde Council will conduct a further consultation as part of the statutory legal process required.

The online survey runs until Friday 29 July 2022 and is available on the council website at www.inverclyde.gov.uk/yoursay

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