International Business Mission To Finland

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International Business Mission To Finland

Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite applications from Scottish businesses for a trade mission from Finland to North-east Scotland, focusing on clean energy, new technologies, renewables and marine.

About Finland

Finland has an affluent, highly educated and technologically sophisticated population.  British quality products are well received and UK brands are well known in the country.  Total trade in goods and services (exports plus imports) between the UK and Finland was worth £5.4 billion in the year leading up to the end of June 2021.

Finland leads digitalisation in Europe.  This can be seen in the digitalisation of services and society as well as in Finland’s vibrant start-up culture.  In particular, Finland is a leading developer of artificial intelligence, the internet of things, mobile apps and clean technologies.

Finland is a prosperous and stable economy with a government focused on removing trade barriers and strengthening the multilateral trading system.  Finnish consumers are interested in high-quality, high-tech innovations and quality brands also appeal to the rapidly growing number of tourists visiting Finland.

Finland ranks no. 1 in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Report 2021.  Businesses and the policy environment in Finland are supportive of sustainable investments, making Finland an excellent market for sustainable goods and solutions.

Programme (Draft)

Thursday 22nd September

– Briefing from the Chambers of Commerce

– The University of Aberdeen Centre for Energy Transition

– Port of Aberdeen South Harbour Tour / Energy Transition Zone

– Lunch

– Net Zero Technology Centre

– Evening Reception

Friday 23rd September

– Briefing from the Chambers of Commerce

– B2B Meetings


This trade mission is open to any business in Scotland looking to access international markets and companies do not need to be Chamber members.


Free to attend.

More Information

Contact Seona Shand at  for more information.

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