Jenna Lynn


Gourock Highland Games 2023 Chieftain Announced

A business leader from Inverclyde has been named as the chieftain for this year’s Gourock Highland Games.

Help Develop Inverclyde’s Future Workforce

DYW West, hosted by West College Scotland, is the Scottish Government-funded regional group in place bringing industry and education closer together to help develop the young workforce across Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire & West Dunbartonshire.

Overdue CalMac Ferries Hit By Further Delays

The two CalMac ferries that are being built at the Ferguson shipyard on the Clyde have been hit by a further delay. One of the boats […]

Immigration Rules Relaxed For Builders And Carpenters

Overseas bricklayers and carpenters could be able to get work visas more easily in the UK after the UK government updated its shortage occupation list.