Jenna Lynn


£34 Million Tech Funding Boost Towards Cleaner Shipping

The maritime sector has been given greater support to deliver innovative solutions and new technology in the race to decarbonise the industry and grow the economy, […]

2023 ICON Business Award Tickets To Go On Sale

Tickets for this year's ICON Awards 2023 are to go on sale from the 1st of August 2023.

Your Say On Your Community Councils

Inverclyde Council has launched the second stage of consultation in its review of community councils. The review will help shape how Inverclyde’s community councils will look […]

Bowman Rebecchi Appointed As Managing Agent For Sir Gabriel Wood’s Mariners Court

Inverclyde property firm, Bowman Rebecchi has been appointed as the new letting agent for the retirement flats at Sir Gabriel Wood’s Mariners Court in Greenock.