Jenna Lynn


COP26: More Than 40 Countries Pledge To Quit Using Coal

More than 40 countries have committed to shifting away from coal, in pledges made at the COP26 climate summit.

CVS Inverclyde Third Sector Conference

CVS Inverclyde is hosting Inverclyde third sector's annual conference online this year on the 25th November 2021 from 10:00 until 15:00.

Scottish Careers Week: ‘Shape The Future’ Webinar

Be a part of the inaugural Scottish Careers Week by signing up for this jointly delivered event for Scottish employers, developed in partnership by Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC), Skills Development Scotland (SDS), Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG) and MCR Pathways. 

Over £800k Committed To Boost Skills And Jobs

Three Inverclyde projects have secured more than £800,000 to help develop skills and boost employment opportunities.