Jenna Lynn


Bounce Back Loan Borrowers Can Delay Repayments By Extra Six Months

Bounce Back Loan borrowers will now have the option to tailor payments according to their individual circumstances with the option to delay all repayments for a further six months.

Business Round-Up – 8 February 2021

Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce's weekly newsletter, with all of the latest Inverclyde business news for the week ending 7 February 2021.

Dales Marine Opens Its 2021 Apprentice Intake

Dales Marine Services Ltd, a leading ship repair and maintenance company based in Scotland, has announced its 2021 Apprentice intake, with roles available in Greenock.

A New Future For Scotland’s Town Centres: Towns Review Group Publishes Report

The group established to look at how Scotland’s towns and town centres can be made stronger has released its recommendations.