
7,900 Tax Returns In Inverclyde In 2019/20

More than 10.7 million customers completed their 2019/20 tax return by 31 January 2021 and 795,300 were from Scotland, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has revealed, with 7,900 coming from Inverclyde.

New £3m Greenock Nursery Unveiled

A new £3 million state-of-the-art nursery has been unveiled in Greenock.

Member News: Project Manager Vacancy With Dales Marine

ICC Member Dales Marine Services is currently looking to recruit a Project Engineer based at its Greenock dry dock.

Get A Grant To Take On A Redundant Apprentice

Adopt an Apprentice is a financial incentive for employers to take on an apprentice who have been made redundant.