Destination Leadership Programme

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Destination Leadership Programme

The Destination Leadership Programme is a 6-month, part-time CPD course which brings you together with like-minded individuals to learn more about leadership within your own tourism organisation and/or within your destination.

By taking part in this online course, you can:

  • improve your leadership skills and knowledge
  • learn more about destination development and leadership
  • consider your customer journey from start to finish
  • understand market trends and drivers for sustainable growth
  • identify your stakeholders and partners and how you can work collaboratively with others
  • look at innovative ways to deliver new products, services and experiences for market resilience

This course is delivered through Edinburgh Napier University and is open to individuals from tourism businesses and organisations across Scotland.

As part of the Scottish Tourism Leadership Programme supported by the Scottish Government in response to COVID-19, this course is fully funded.

However, there will be a cost in terms of your time away from your business/organisation.

All 12 workshops will be delivered between 21 October 2021 and 22 March 2022.

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