MM Search Virtual Quiz Night to Benefit Ellie Soutter Foundation

Business Round-Up – 9 November 2020
You Asked We Delivered – November 2020

MM Search Virtual Quiz Night to Benefit Ellie Soutter Foundation

This time last year, the team at ICC Members MM Search were in the thick of the event planning for our inaugural charity dinner at Hutchesons Bar and Grill in aid of the Ellie Soutter Foundation (ESF).

It was, as they say, a night to remember and the amount raised for the charity was astounding – over £16,000. The impact the funds raised last year have boosted the charity exponentially.

The ESF has been able to announce grant funding to another young hopeful, supporting four young winter sports athletes in total.

One of those athletes Maisie Potter, Team GB, recently told us that this support makes her chosen career path possible and without it, she would have been at a significant disadvantage.

The charity has also launched the Ellie Safe House – a community-led project in Les Gets, France for local children in the ski resort that Ellie lived and trained.

The Ellie Safe House will provide support for children that are struggling with anxiety and bullying, mental health awareness and social media.

This year, MM Search is hosting a virtual quiz night in the company of Scottish television presenter and journalist Kaye Adams alongside presenter and comedian Fred MacAulay as well as many other well-known faces making an appearance throughout the night.

You, of course, don’t have to get as dressed up as last year, but we know that the team at MM Search will – any excuse!

The Ellie Soutter Foundation is close to the core ethos at MM Search. The charity helps support young winter sports athletes fund their training programs for this winter and beyond. MM Search selected the Ellie Soutter Foundation as our charity partner because of our shared love of winter sports and our passion to support young athletes. There are many interwoven character traits that drive elite professionals in sports and business alike, attitude, confidence, commitment and taking a long-term view.

Ellie Soutter was one of the most progressive Junior Female Snowboard Athletes of Great Britain. Ellie’s family decided to form The Ellie Soutter Foundation after she tragically took her own life on her 18th Birthday. The Foundation was set up in her memory to help and assist other young winter athletes.

MM Search invites you to join them on Thursday 3 December 2020, from the comfort of your own home at 7pm until 8.30pm.

Please click the link below to register for the night, the quiz is free to enter. You can join as an individual or as a team – even if you are in separate households.

It will be a night competitive fun, excellent prizes, special guest appearances and hopefully, it will raise a lot of money for an extremely worthwhile cause.

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