Jenna Lynn


ICC Welcomes Belville Community Garden Trust As Its Newest Member

Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce has welcomed one of Inverclyde’s leading third sector organisations to its membership as the latest company to join Inverclyde’s largest business network.

Phase 2 Response Of Economic Recovery Plan

The UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak has made a statement to the House of Commons in Westminster today outlining the UK Government’s Phase 2 response of its economic recovery plan from COVID--19.

Business Round-Up – 6 July 2020

Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce's weekly newsletter, with all of the latest Inverclyde business news for the week ending 5 July 2020.

Discover Inverclyde Launch To Support Tourism Sector

Inverclyde Council, in partnership with Tourism Inverclyde and VisitScotland, has been developing an updated visitor website and marketing call to action to support the tourism sector.