
Business Round-Up – 10 August 2020

Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce's weekly newsletter, with all of the latest Inverclyde business news for the week ending 9 August 2020.

Poverty targeted with £1.5m fund from Inverclyde Council

Inverclyde councillors have agreed to spend £1.5m on a range of projects to target jobs, training, welfare, food and supporting the third sector. The fund, which […]

Save up to £2,000 with Tax-Free Childcare in Scotland

As schools return in Scotland, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding working parents they could save up to £2,000 per child per year to pay towards after-school clubs and other childcare services.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak visits Peak Scientific

Scottish manufacturing company, Peak Scientific, welcomed the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer at their Innchinnan HQ on Friday 7 August 2020.