Inverclyde Chamber Covid-19 Business Survival Guides

Innovate UK Business-Led Innovation Grant Applications Open
Business Round-Up – 13 April 2020

Inverclyde Chamber Covid-19 Business Survival Guides

To assist businesses during this uncertain time, Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce (ICC) have consulted with Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC) to create consolidated Business Survival Guides covering areas such as financial support and employer advice.

Three separate downloadable guides have been created to provide links to resources and answer some frequently asked questions for businesses including what financial support is available and the process for furloughing staff.


Download our Covid-19 Business Survival Guides here:

 -> ICC Guide to HR Support Available For Businesses 

 -> ICC Guide to Financial Schemes Available for Businesses

 -> ICC Guide to Coronavirus Business Interruption Scheme

Take a look at the information contained in the guides here:


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